Minelab Equinox Tip of the Week # 8: “Resolution”

One thing that makes the Minelab Equinox challenging to get used to for hunters that are coming from a simpler platform is the amount of detail that you hear and see on the meter.  In the manual this is termed “resolution.” This amount of detail is a “two edged sword.” On one hand it lets you separate out masked targets well. The way to get the most from this strength is to use multiple sweep speeds and directions to “parse” out whats under the coil. The downside of “resolution” is that it actually splits targets–giving multiple responses to the various alloys in a target (bottle caps are a good example). These scattered tones and meter readings can be confusing.

The Equinox also reports how something relates to the surrounding ground. Where you see a target that is falling below zero this means something that is either corroding, similar to the ground (iron or steel) or a target that is in close to iron. Where you see a target that is climbing up into the high 30’s–this means something that is too big (or too “grounded)”. for the machine to classify.  Twisted steel wire is a good example of this type of target.

Resolution lets you sort though multiple targets and focus on the ones that are “clean” metal. This 22k ring came from among dense iron and bottlecaps–using Bias to process out the junk.

I see a lot of new hunters debating over “which numbers to dig.”  The fact is however that there’s a lot more to becoming accurate with a detetor than looking at numbers on a screen.

Distinguishing between signals that are “grounded” and those that are not is an important skill with the Equinox. As a rule–listen for “peaked” sounds–indicating something that is more distinct from the ground, and less alloyed. “Split” targets will be weaker and “flatter” as the machine struggles to identify them. It’s important to note though that brass and copper relics will often be among these corroded targets.

Higher Bias settings–especially using the “F2” Bias upgrade will make these differences more pronounced.
It takes time and practice to learn to use the Equinox’s detailed response to tell good signals from junk. It’s important to recognize the fact that if you use the coil–make varied passes, listen and watch the meter this detector will give you the information needed to save you time digging obvious junk. Resolution is one of the best performance features this machine offers. Why not use it?

For more Minelab Equibnox tips, settings and information on developing your accuracy with this exciting detector check out my book:

The Minelab Equinox: “From Beginner to Advanced”