In the Caribbean this week –really having to work for my gold here with a number of pros working the same sites. I feel very lucky to have had some good teachers who showed me how important it is to be versatile. Ive done some pulse hunting in the deep low sections–usually works but not this time. Yesterday–because the locals are slow fanners I tried some coverage with my new Blue Tubes / WOT –got two bands. Today, owing to how heavily worked the place is–had to go deep–got my safety float on and brought out the Minelab Equinox for some deep water precision. Because I have my scoop–I can grid accurately in these deep sections by keeping my feet planted and jumping up to breathe. In that there’s a lot of coral chunks under the sand–the local fanners have a very hard time digging targets out in 6 to 8 feet of water–but I can. Running the Equinox let me select which signals to spend time on digging–staying off a lot of the 23+ coin responses. Being versatile allowed me to do what they cant–making for a good day–two more bands. My advice to new hunters is to take a broad based approach and develop as many new general skills as you can. Having a choice of methods to operate with in keeping with the challenges present at a site can save the day. Couple of things I like about the Equinox in sat water:
1/ changing the recovery speed is kind of like the SAT on a pulse–you can smooth it out on the hills or where there are a lot of seabed noises.
2/ you can adjust the Tone Break in Two Tone to stabilize the unit–even in all metal.