Thought I would dig this illustration out of the new book and post it for those who want to sharpen their shoreline observational skills.   These are the ways that a sidewall can change and when you know to watch for  them it’s possible to predict strip-outs–when new targets are being exposed.  One thing that’s missing here is the “king tide” pattern where you have a long sweeping waves which act to flatten out the edge altogether.  This is usually not a very productive edge.  It also helps to have some kind of “benchmark”–a structure on shore against which to gauge changes although with practice just the shoreline contour will be enough to alert you that areas are lowering.   Another thing to watch for is scalloping or where you have long lead water inflow–indicating an area where there is stronger current.   Then combine this visual information with what your detector tells you–the presence of newly exposed or corroded targets.

Illustration from: “Water Hunting: Secrets of the Pros, Volume II” by Clive James Clynick

Monitoring Edge Changes