The Minelab CTX 3030 Gold Hunter’s Guide
Clive James Clynick is the author of some 19 previous metal detecting “how-to” books, numerus articles and product reviews. In this advanced, information-packed guide he shares tips and secrets of his many years of successful gold-hunting with the Minelab CTX 3030. Topics include:
- Understanding the CTX’s Gold-Hunting Strengths and Weaknesses.
- Open “Audio” and Closed Screen “Gold Box” Methods.
- Interference and Stability.
- Coil Control, Discriminate and Target Acquisition.
- The “Signal Balancing” Approach to Getting More Depth.
- “Graduated” Tuning and Selectivity.
- Getting More Depth with Manual Sensitivity.
- When to Use Automatic Sensitivity.
- 17” Coil Gold-Hunting.
- The CTX in Black Sand.
- CTX 3030 “Gold Skills.”
- Beach, Park and Shallow Water Gold Methods.
…and much more…
97 pgs. 8.5 X 5.5 softbound (16.95)
Thanks to all those who contributed!