A Practical Guide to Finding Gold, Silver & Coins
with the Minelab CTX 3030
Clive James Clynick is the author of some 17 previous detecting books and numerous articles. In this detailed and informative book he shares his 35 -plus years of treasure hunting experience with the reader to create this unique guide to successful searching with the Minleab CTX 3030. Topics include:
• Basic CTX 3030 Handling and Care: Avoiding Damage.
• Understanding and Using the CTX’s Strengths.
• Improving Your Accuracy with the “In Keeping” Method.
• Modding “Jay’s Gold Program.”
• Clive’s CTX 3030 Gold Program & Method.
• Beach and Inland Gold Hunting with the CTX 3030.
• Bringing Up Targets in Dense Iron with the CTX 3030
• Running the CTX “Hot:” Mediating Noise.
• Auto Versus Manual Sensitivity.
• Bench, Nail and Proximity Testing.
• CTX Ergonomics, Stock and 17″ Coil.
• Top CTX Hunters Speak.
• Site Skill Building.
117 pgs (8.5 X 5.5 Softbound) $16.95
International shipping $10 or three titles $20 shipping.
Clive –
Great deal great book lots of great info.
Clive –
…excellent ctx 3030 guide book!
Jean –
An awesome book written for CTX3030 users. Full of great info, tips and tricks for beginners, right through to seasoned Pros. Reading this book, helped me find just over an ounce of Gold in a week. Thanks Clive.
Jean Williams
Gold Coast AUS.
Clive –
All of Clive’s books are great. If you need some of the mysteries/complexities of the 3030 explained, I highly recommend this book.